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Bread stamps

The museum hosts the largest collection of bread stamps. The collection consists of 500 stamps dating back to the late antiquity up to the 20th century, from all over Greece and from countries with a strong tradition in Orthodox faith. Bread is usually stamped before it is baked using special stamps engraved with symbolic images and inscriptions.

These stamps evolved over time in parallel with Christian worship. There are two types of bread stamps: eucharistic stamps for bread destined for use in the sacrament of the Eucharist, and eulogia stamps, which are used to stamp loaves on the most important feasts dedicated to Christ, the Virgin and the saints.

The loaves that are blessed in this way are handed out to the congregation at the end of the service for health and well-being. As a liturgical tradition, the breaking of the bread reminds the faithful that bread is a blessing which God has bestowed on Man, as well as the main component of the human diet.